Is this new?? Well, now it is. I had this thermostat machined out of an old late 1970'S
TZ head when they where standard on those bikes(racers). For some reason they disappeared, and now we have to deal with taping
the radiators. I don't like this very much, and in the past I have driven race-bikes with the same thermostat on my TZ 350
and GP 125 Rotax and it worked like a charm. Always the same temperature, 70*C rain or shine. Ofcourse you could put a colder
themostat in there, and that I might do with my 1992 RS125R Honda since they seem to run a bit cooler. All that tape on the
radiator is like someone pulling you by the jacket while you are on the bike. Try to stick your hand out of the car while
driving + 100 MPH, it is a lot of pressure. Makes you think..........(O;
![Thermostat T-piece](../sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/0007.jpg)
A lot of head scratching, and comments on this thermostat. I used it in the early 1990's
and look what they now (2003) came out with (O; is it making sence now?
These "new" thermostats look very much like mine.
Read an article about these thermostats.
![Radiator Thermostat T-piece](../sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/therm007.jpg.w560h420.jpg)